Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Nolan is here!!!!!!!!!!! And an update :)

Well I have taken quite the hiatus from writing.  So many things have happened in the past few weeks that it was hard for me to write.  I’ll just give my quick update.  My parents flew into town to help us out.  They spent three weeks here.  At times it was honestly a lil frustrating, but they helped out a lot and I know Amelia loved spending time with them.  I gave birth to a happy, healthy lil boy on June 11!  We named him Nolan, we call him Nono!  He was 8 lbs and 1 oz!  He was a big baby!  I was really scared of how my experience was going to be at the Naval hospital, but I ended up being really well taken care of and I was happy with my stay.  So happy that I wrote a nice letter to the Labor and Delivery department thanking them for their great care.  While my parents were here unfortunately the weather was really really sucky, it rained most of the time.  We tried to get out and show them things, but it was difficult with a newborn.  Only the last few days they were here, were we able to enjoy some sun.    I really love my family but 3 weeks is a looooooooooooong time to have guests.  Especially after having a c-section, healing, and a newborn….it wasn’t always the best combo.  Either way I’m glad they came and we were able to spend time together and Mills got to know her grandparents more.

Happy Birthday Nolan!

Proud Grandparents
Family of 4

Right to sleep after his feeding zzZZZzzzZZ

So today is my first official day on my own, no parents, no husband to help.  We have Mills in daycare still so it hasn’t been too bad.  I’ve been trying to get errands done.  Nono is really good and he just comes along for the ride.  I totally forgot how much stuff you have to bring in the diaper bag.  For such a little being, babies sure do need lots of stuff!  Now that I have 2 in tow I have even more stuff to bring.  We had just got Mills down to practically brining nothing, just snacks and I kept and extra pull up and change of clothes in the car.  Now I’ve got a full on diaper bag, baby sling, infant car seat, and stroller.  I’m not a tall person, I’ve very petite, so I bet I look crazy with 2 kids in my huge van and I have all this other stuff to bring.  I guess you can never be to prepared.  Anyways, I’ve gotten off topic….for this week I plan on just catching up on chores and figuring out a routine.   I’m trying to get my SAHM groove back and hopefully I’ll work out the kinks so we have a smooth day!  We’ll see…

On a side note>>>

{Morgan got promoted!!!!}

{Breastfeeding takes lots of work}

{Newborns sure do poop a lot}

Friday, June 8, 2012

38 Weeks Update

This past month has literally flown by.  I’ve been really bad at updating.  Well, I would start a new post and then I would never finish it.  So I’m just going to start from where I’m at now.    Lots of things have happened and are happening.  My last day of work was on last Thursday.  I thought it wouldn’t be easy and I wouldn’t care, but I kind of got a little choked up.  I know I had my struggles with work and the people there, but it’s always sad leaving.  I even cried when I hugged Niki, the one person at work who I was close to.  But its all for the best,  I needed the rest before the baby and I was unhappy there most of the time.   Parts of me wants to go back to work, but I’m really excited to be able to stay at home with the baby.   I never got to do that with Mills, we are at a point where we are financially able to do it and I want to take advantage while we can. 
 I’m about to be 39 weeks tomorrow!!  I had my last appointment with my doc before my c-section.  Being at a military hospital unfortunately its highly unlikely that you get the same doc during your whole pregnancy and delivery.  When I was scheduled for my delivery I found out the doc who was going to be there and was scheduled an appointment with him so I could meet him.  On Tuesday was my appointment.  He was really nice, young, and he was surprisingly good looking!  I know that sounds funny, but I’ve dealt with lots of military docs since being married to a service man for 9 years, none of them have EVER been good looking.  It was just kind of funny.  I talked to my friend Len about it and she joked that it was good that I wasn’t having a vaginal delivery since he was cute!  She makes a good point! 
Last night my parents came into town!!!!  I’m so unbelievably grateful that they are here.  It was all really last minute kind of trip, initially they were supposed to come here in Oct. with my brother and sister to visit.  I’ll start from the beginning.  About 2 months ago I talked with Len about watching Mills when I got into labor.  She first told me that she might not be here because she had some stuff going on  back in Guam.  I told her it was fine and I’ll plan for someone else to watch her.   We went back and forth for a lil bit and ultimately she told me that she will be here if I told her I needed her.  So I told her I needed her, so she said she will be here and not plan to go to Guam.  Fast forward to a few weeks ago, she tells me that I need to think of a back up person to watch Mills because she might not be here!!  WTF???  To be honest, I was really upset.  I was at work tearing up because I felt like the rug had been pulled from under me.   I needed to find someone to watch Mills in a matter of weeks!  I don’t have any other close friends here and I didn’t just want to drop Mills off with some strangers.  I would feel horrible brining her over to stay with someone she didn’t know.  That is what really made me feel scared about the situation.  Worst come to worst, I was thinking that we would bring Mills with us and I would just go into the operation alone.  Another thing is that I am having a c-section, so I’m going to be in the hospital for a few days, which would mean so would Amelia.  I just was really at a loss.  So I called my mom and pleaded her to come here to watch Mills for us.  At first my mom said she couldn’t come, I really wasn’t surprised I mean she would have to be here in 2 weeks and it would be unrealistic for her to drop everything.  But after a few days she called me and told me that she and my dad were coming, that they were going to be here because I needed them.  I’m just so thankful that they are here, ever since I found out that they were coming I felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders and the stress melted away.  On another note, its been great having them here, its only been a day.  They’ve totally helped me with Mills, I just don’t have the energy these days and they keep her occupied and happy and are able to focus lots of attention on her.  I know she loves it too.  When I first was hit with the news Morgan kept telling me it will all work out, and in the end it really did.
On Monday I’m scheduled for my c-section.  I can’t believe its going to happen in only a few short days!!!  I can’t wait to meet this lil boy!!